
Nov 27, 20201 min

Release International Prayer Shields: Central Asia, Eritrea


Fifteen Christians were arrested in Eritrea in April: they were sent to a prison camp. Ask God to sustain them and their families, and pray they will be reunited.


Thirty Christian guests were arrested at a wedding in the capital Asmara, Eritrea in June and sent to a prison camp. Pray for their release.


Rising food prices have meant that the families of prisoners of faith in Eritrea have struggled to make ends meet. Ask God to provide for them and their loved ones in jail.

Central Asia

Pray that believers in Central Asia will be creative and effective in ministering the gospel despite opposition.

Central Asia

Pray that authorities in Kazakhstan will stop harassing unregistered church communities.

Central Asia

Pray for Agape Pentecostal Church in Kazakhstan whose new place of worship is being constructed on the same site as Grace Presbyterian (previous prayer). Officials have now ordered building work to stop.

Central Asia

Pray for leaders of the Grace Presbyterian Church in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan: officials have ordered the confiscation of their building but their compensation offer is very low.
