
Oct 24, 20201 min

Release International Prayer Shields: India and Sudan


Pray for the family of ‘Sunita’ in Jharkhand state, India who was murdered by men who had raped her daughter three times. When they tried to do so again, she stood up to them – and paid with her life.


Pray that state and national governments in India will take firm steps to protect vulnerable Christian communities and uphold religious rights for all citizens. Recent months have seen a spate of religiously motivated murders.


Pray for the family of South Sudanese Christian Mariel Bang who was stabbed to death in Omdurman by men shouting ‘Allahu Akbar [God is greater]’. Mariel had four children. Four other Christians were injured, one seriously.


Pray for several Christians recently attacked in the Al-Jerif East area of Khartoum following calls from mosque leaders to rid their ‘Muslim area’ of South Sudanese Christians.


Please continue to pray for our Christian family in Sudan who still face opposition from their neighbours and officials. Pray that religious freedoms will continue to grow.


Continue to pray that the state will return to the church property confiscated during the former regime of President Omar al-Bashir in Sudan.


Justice Minister Nasredeen Abdulbari has vowed to ‘drop all the laws violating human rights in Sudan’. Pray that he and his Government will stay true to their word and safeguard the rights of non-Muslims.
