
May 28, 20221 min

Release International Prayer Shields, Iran and Pakistan




Thank God that Sasan Khosravi and Habib Heydari were released early from jail in Iran, before they had completed one-year prison sentences for ‘propaganda against the state’. Pray for Sasan who is still due to serve two years in internal exile.



Pray for Naser Navard Goltapeh whose appeal against a ten-year prison sentence is due to be reviewed by Iran’s Supreme Court. Arrested in 2016, he was later convicted of ‘acting against national security’ through his involvement in house churches.



Pray that the Iranian authorities will begin to recognize the positive contribution Christians and other persecuted religious communities make to society.



Pray for a 14-year-old Christian from Lahore, Pakistan whose family say she has been kidnapped and forcibly converted to Islam. They have received a copy of a certificate informing them she has married a 45-year-old man.



Release International partners in Pakistan are able to provide safe housing for persecuted Christians such as Yalina (yesterday’s prayer) as well as practical support and pastoral care. Ask God to protect them, too.



Thank God for the strong witness in Pakistan of ‘Yalina’. Her husband abandoned her when she became a Christian. Then her parents threw her and her three children out on the streets when she refused to give up her faith.



Pray for the acquittal in Pakistan of Christian nurses Mariam Lal and Navish Arooj who were charged with ‘defiling the Koran’ after they followed their supervisor’s instructions to remove Islamic stickers from their hospital in Faisalabad.

