Sep. 21, 2023 | Burkina Faso Christian Widow Threatened by Animist Family [12] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Femke. Femke was married to a village witch doctor for 33 years and was terrorized by demons. The spirits would drive her mad and tell her information her husband would use in his fortune-telling. When he died suddenly, she sought spiritual freedom. A pastor prayed for her, and she was healed of all demonic oppression. Read More.
Sep. 21, 2023 | Laos Christian Teens Resist Family Persecution [9] prayers in [2] nations have been posted for Ton and Tan. Ton, 18, and Tan, 16, are teenage sisters who became Christians and have been harassed repeatedly for this decision. Recently, their mother said that she will sell her daughters to any men who make an offer. Their older sister has also begun trying to bribe them into a life of prostitution with offers of phones and jewelry. The mother pressures the girls to prostitute themselves and regularly mocks their faith. Read More.
Sep. 21, 2023 | India Young Man Stands Firm in Faith Amid Ongoing Pressure [8] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Ajay. Ajay, 24, has been pressured by his community and the police to return to Hinduism. The police arrested him and brought a false charge against him in an attempt to make him recant his faith. He was jailed for 9 days. Despite the ongoing pressure, Ajay has persevered in his faith. Read More.