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Release International Prayer Shields: Iran, Columbia, Eritrea


At the start of a new year, let’s stand with our brothers and sisters in Iran – and around the world – and pray that God will bless them with favour and fruitfulness.

New Years eve

On the eve of a new year, let’s ask God to plant fresh hope in the hearts of our persecuted family and remind them that He is with them always, ‘to the very end of the age’ (Matthew 28:20).


Please pray for unity in the Colombian church. Pray that God’s people will present a unified voice for peace – and an answer to the nation’s many social problems.


Ask God to protect church leaders speaking out against corruption and poverty in Colombia. A number of social activists have been killed in recent months.


Some guerrillas in Colombia oppose the church due to their atheistic communist ideology: others oppose it because of its stand against their criminal activities. Pray that many more guerrillas will come to Christ, as Rolo (see yesterday’s prayer) did.


Pray for ‘Rolo’, a former communist guerrilla who now risks his life to distribute Bibles in areas of Colombia controlled by guerrilla and paramilitary groups (red zones). He has been beaten and tortured – but remains determined to spread the gospel.


Pray over our persecuted brothers and sisters in Eritrea and worldwide today, that the Lord ‘will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways’ (Psalm 91:11).

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