Pray for the 11 people injured when a car bomb exploded outside the Syriac Orthodox Church in Qamishli city, during a prayer meeting in July.
Prisoners of Faith
Let’s remember those who are in prison or denied contact with their loved ones as punishment for following Christ. Pray that they will have opportunities to share the gospel with others and pray their release will come soon.
Sri Lanka
Please stand with us in asking God to strengthen our Christian family in Sri Lanka – and across the world. Please ask for divine protection over their church services and festivities this week, and pray that they will not be cowed by fear of attack.
Sri Lanka
Pray that Christians in Sri Lanka will continue reaching out with the message of God’s love to those around them, despite the risk of violence. Pray that Sri Lanka’s political leaders will be fierce defenders of religious freedoms for all.
Sri Lanka
Pray for members of the Christian Family Church in Galgamuwa, Sri Lanka which was recently raided by a large mob. The crowd, making death threats, demanded the service stop immediately.
Sri Lanka
In Sri Lanka, about 50 protesters, including a dozen Buddhist monks, recently demonstrated outside a church in Divulapitiya, demanding an end to worship services. When the pastor called the police, officers joined in with the protesters’ threats. Ask God to protect this congregation.
Heavenly Father, protect and bless all the saints in those countries. Bless our sister as well. In Jesus's blessed and holy Name, I pray, Amen.