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Release International Prayer Shields, Uganda and Algeria


Pray for Mansitula from Obutete village, eastern Uganda, who suffered a miscarriage after her husband attacked her. He was enraged after she became a Christian.


Please pray for the former imam who became a Christian in Moses and Naura’s area. Pray that God will use his testimony to draw many others to Christ in Uganda.


Pray for Pastor Moses Nabwana and his wife, Naura, who were viciously attacked twice in response to an imam in their community in Uganda becoming a Christian. Praise God that relatives intervened during the second attack, causing their attackers to flee.


Ask God to grant wisdom and peace to church leaders in Algeria amid continued pressure on the church.


Pray for two Algerian Christians from Kabylie who were also recently convicted of blasphemy under similar circumstances to the believer in yesterday’s prayer. They were sentenced to six months and three years respectively.


Pray for a father-of-four sentenced in Algeria to five years in jail for ‘blasphemy’ after sharing a caricature of Islam’s prophet Mohammed on social media. He plans to appeal.

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