May. 11, 2023 | India Christian Family Rejected by Village [8] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Hema, Chanda, and Manish. In the Bastar district of Chhattisgarh State, India, Christians face increasing pressure and violence for following Christ. Hema; her 16-year-old daughter, Chanda; and her 13-year-old son, Manish, are the only believers in their village since coming to faith in Christ two years ago. Village neighbors repeatedly tried to force them to reconvert to Hinduism, but they remained strong in the Lord, so the village excommunicated them. Read More.
May. 11, 2023 | Ghana Young Man Disowned for Becoming a Christian [8] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Noah. Ghana is a majority-Christian nation, but animistic beliefs are practiced in some areas. As a boy, Noah was chosen by his father to take over as the family's shaman, responsible for carrying out occult rituals upon his father's death. Through the witness of Christian friends, Noah gave his life to Christ. Read More.
May. 11, 2023 | Turkey Greater Interest in God's Word Amid Earthquake Tragedy [7] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Earthquake survivors requesting Bibles. Within days of the Feb. 6 earthquake that devastated eastern Turkiye, Turkish Christians rushed from other parts of the country to help. "One church group used their hands to dig people out of the rubble," a front-line worker said. Others set up emergency kitchens and shelters. Read More.