Pastor John Cao was released from prison in March after serving a seven-year sentence. During his imprisonment God strengthened John’s faith and gave him the opportunity to share the gospel with other prisoners. Give thanks for John’s release and pray for the full recovery of his civil rights and citizenship so he can travel freely.
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Pray that the family of the late Chinese lawyer Li Baiguang, who died in suspicious circumstances six year ago, would know God’s peace and healing of their grief as well as freedom from government pressure.
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Pray for churches in Kazakhstan that have been repeatedly denied registration and so are technically illegal; that despite this opposition, they would be strengthened, encouraged and ultimately granted registration.
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Pray for the churches in Kazakhstan where there is relative freedom. May they not become comfortable but remain courageous in their gospel witness.
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The testimony of Pastor ‘Amir’ includes deportation, arrest and opposition. Thank God that he has not given up but is still actively preaching the gospel and making disciples in Kazakhstan.
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Central Asia
Thank God for our partner, ‘Pavel’, who faithfully and tirelessly works to encourage Christians throughout the whole of Central Asia. May he know the strength and encouragement of the Lord as he keeps giving of himself to help persecuted believers.
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03 November 2024 – Uzbekistan
Give thanks for the faithfulness of Pastor ‘Orif’ from Uzbekistan, who is serving God with commitment there and also helping with the distribution of funds to believers in Turkmenistan.
YES - I will Pray.