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Word of God Club Site Policy

The following material and content is prohibited:


  1. Copyrighted material

     Copyrighted texts, blogs, posts, video and audio clips should not be posted.News articles must be linked with a hyperlink and one or two sentence

      description.Scriptures and bible verses can be added with proper citations.  Reposting of own content is permitted for up to once a month and one     

      month after the initial post as long as it's significant and abides by the aforementioned copyright rules.  The repost should be clearly identified by the

      words (Repost). Reposting of any content other than self/own content requires explicit permission from the original content creator and can only be

      posted once. 

   2. Incendiary and inflammatory material

       Racist, hateful, inflammatory material that promotes violence, intolerance, bigotry between people will be deleted, the user blocked and reported to

       law enforcement authorities.


   3. Lewd and lascivious material

      Pornography, incest, bestiality, homosexuality, pedophilia, rape, torture, humiliation, bondage and other explicit content will be deleted and the user  

      will be banned.

   4. Stolen, hacked,and other illegal content

      Stolen, copied, plagiarized, hacked and other illegal content will be deleted and the user will be blocked.

The following behavior is prohibited:

  1. Insulting, denying, and ridiculing the Christian God will not be tolerated.Such users will be blocked and banned.

  2. Insulting, name-calling, taunting and other rude behavior.All discussions must be civil, to the point and meaningful.

  3. Seekers, atheists and agnostics are welcome only as long they engage in a civil debate without challenging or ridiculing the Christian God.

  4. People of other faiths are welcome to debate but shouldn’t insult the Christian God.



   1. Links to all legal, legitimate, godly and wholesome sites are welcome and users can promote them unrestricted.

   2. The owner isn’t currently looking for business opportunities.  However, users can promote godly businesses in their profiles and posts.

No Spamming Policy

This site has a very strict no spamming policy.  Spamming is defined as repetitious, intentional and malevolent abuse of the site and posting privileges just to distract and annoy users and members.  Any repetitious post that doesn't follow the reposting guidelines, or is unwholesome, unsavory, useless and worthless will be promptly deleted and the user will be banned.  Any post in the advertising area by a non-Christian will also be considered spamming and deleted.  The following ads will be deleted and the user banned:

  1. Gambling or links to such sites

  2. Casinos or links to such sites

  3. Online betting on sports, fantasy sports and similar sites

  4. Trading or links to brokerages, banks, fund houses will be deleted unless they belong to and are run by a Christian member on this site.

  5. Links to alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, vaping, recreational drugs, illegal drugs (including but not limited to Cocaine, Heroin, Opium), and even legal opioid drugs will be deleted and users banned, and reported to law enforcement authorities.

  6. Links to movies (except Christian movies), theaters, concerts (except Christian concerts), movie stars, celebrities (except Christians) will be deleted.

  7. Horse races, auto racing, adventure sports, extreme sports and other activities not involving Christians will be deleted.

  8. Links to abortion clinics, sites encouraging promiscuity, adultery, child abuse, domestic violence, illegal/contraband firearms will be deleted and the user banned.  Christians are welcome to advertise their legal and ethical matrimonial, dating, family planning, and legal firearm businesses and sites.

  9. In addition, links to any material, events, persons, institutions or places that are unwholesome and unsavory will also be deleted and the user will be banned.

  10. Attempts to hack the site or infiltrate it will be considered criminal and such activities and attackers will be reported to law enforcement agencies, and their accounts deleted..

Live feed and Biblical content

1. Unedited, live or current news feeds with graphic language or depictions are allowed as long they reference the highest offices of the land limited to the President of the United States, Governors , Members of Congress of the US, foreign heads of state, and diplomats.  However, all such live feeds must be accompanied with a very clear warning as such: "Warning: Graphic language and content". 

2.  Biblical content referencing the wrath of God using words or phrases  like "son of a perverse woman", "pelt you with filth" and erotic content from Song of Songs like "breasts", "navel", etc., can be cited in scriptures or discussions of scriptures and should be used sparingly and only for biblical purposes (God's wrath, holiness, redemption, salvation and human sexuality)Such words or phrases should not be used for attacking, demeaning, insulting, mocking, or dehumanizing others.  Such posts and words will be promptly deleted and the user banned.


3. All other content including but not limited to soap operas, late night TV shows, stand up comedies, sitcoms, movies  and other unsavory content will be promptly deleted and the user banned.


  1. There is no private messaging facility on this site.  However, members can chat on the chat box (icon at the bottom left corner).  If they wish to chat in private, they can request each other's contact information and do so in private.  Word of God Club will neither monitor or be responsible for such private conversation.

  2. Chatting on the chat box is subject to the same rules as listed above.  Any member is allowed to contact another member for fellowship, advertising, marketing, or requesting personal help.  Members can choose to accept or reject such communication.  Once a member rejects such communication further communication with them should be halted. Badgering, harassment, goading and other unwanted behaviors will lead to termination of membership.

  3. Members who don't want to be approached for communication are requested to stay away from the chat box and not divulge private correspondence details.  Word of God Club will not be responsible for their privacy if they appear on the chat box or refuse to caution other members that they don't want to correspond or receive personal requests and business propositions when approached by the latter.  Members should approach the owner or any of the moderators and admins for speedy resolution of their grievances.

  4. Sexual harassment, racial discrimination, immoral and improper communication on the chat box or forums will lead to immediate termination of membership.  However, consensual relationships are permitted but only via private chat between members which will neither be monitored nor controlled by the Word of God Club.

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