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John 21:12 (NASB)

Come and eat breakfast

In Christ, the supernatural became mundane. Before God launches us out on something big (John 21:15, Matthew 28:19-20), He always tells us to do the most ordinary, eat. In this context, dining with Christ was the last thing on the disciples' minds. They had all abandoned Him (Mark 14:50), watched Him murdered (John 19:18), buried (John 19:38-42), and then hid in depression (John 20:19). In that pessimistic scenario, Christ tells them to do the most ordinary of all things, eat. Things look dark and gloomy as we look forward to the new year. Covid, inflation, crime, tornadoes, and hurricanes have left a sour taste in our mouths. This year and its mood aren't all that different from the Apostles' situation. Christ is telling us what He had told the Apostles, eat. As we embark on a new year, spend some time with your Master, eat with Him, commune with Him in remembrance of Him, and watch an irresistible future unfold. Happy New Year everyone, God bless.

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