mukkinAug 32 minRevolutionChristians should stop Satan in America by voting, praying, preaching, and loving.
mukkinJul 282 minTemptationRevelation 2:7 (NIV) To him who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life. Temptation isn't always about being...
mukkinJul 212 minConvicted Spirit led preaching seasoned with the grace and love of God, and rightly dividing the word can lead many souls into God's kingdom.
mukkinMay 171 minLightActs 13:47 (NASB) I have made you a light to the Gentiles. Light can be blocked, shut out, diverted, reflected, or absorbed but never...
mukkinMay 51 minFollowMatthew 4:19 (NIV) Follow Me. Many believers mistake this verse to mean to follow their minister or preacher. To follow the Lord Jesus...
mukkinApr 281 minLeftLuke 5:11 (NLT) They left everything and followed Jesus. The Apostles not only left their families, businesses, and properties behind,...
mukkinApr 211 minChoiceJohn 15:16 (NIV) I chose you. It is sheer arrogance on humanity's part to think we control our choices. There is nothing that we have...
mukkinApr 141 minReserved1 Kings 19:18 (NIV) Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel. God always reserved the best for Himself. Those words must have been a...
mukkinApr 72 minWitnessesActs 1:8 (NASB) You shall be my witnesses. A witness doesn't speak of himself but about a person or act he has seen. God has called every...