Jan. 30, 2025 | India
[8] prayers in [3] nations have been posted for Chhater Singh.
Chhatar Singh, a schoolteacher in India, placed his faith in Christ in 2002 and has planted churches in seven villages. In 2010, when his mother died, he refused Hindu funeral rituals for her, which turned his father against him. On Jan. 27, 2021, the police arrested Singh and three other Christians on false charges of forced conversion. They spent a month in jail; consequently, Singh was suspended from his school. In July 2024, after Singh's father cut off his inheritance, he filed a criminal complaint against Singh of trying to convert him to Christianity. Read More.
Jan. 30, 2025 | Middle East
Woman Abused After Coming to Faith in Christ
[4] prayers in [2] nations have been posted for Basma.
Basma, who comes from a fervent Muslim family, placed her faith in Christ in 2018. As a result, her husband and brother began to abuse her violently. Eventually, Basma escaped from her family and took her two teenage children, who had also become Christians, with her. Basma said that if her brother and husband find her, they will surely kill her. Basma requests prayer for her son, who feels he cannot trust anyone, and for her daughter, because they live in constant fear that someone will turn them in. Read More.
Jan. 30, 2025 | Yemen
Yemeni Christians Pray for Safety
[4] prayers in [2] nations have been posted for Yemeni Christians.
Amid regional instability, bombs regularly fall in some parts of Yemen, creating a dangerous environment for Christian brothers and sisters. "The situation is not stable for anyone in Yemen," said a front-line worker. "The electricity goes out, and one Christian community heard bombs exploding during a church service." Despite this situation, the worker said the church in Yemen is growing. "Fifteen years ago, it was a dream to find any believers," he said. Read More.