Please pray for a fifth Christian from Shingjia Church, elder Zhu Longfei, who was arrested in August, on suspicion of illegal business practices. He is detained at the same centre as his sister and brother.
Number of Prayers 23
Pray for four Christians from Shingjia Church in Shunde, including Pastor Deng Yanxiang, who were arrested in May on suspicion of ‘illegal business practices’. They were detained beyond the term of their 30-day ‘administrative detention’.
Number of Prayers 27
Among the members of Golden Lampstand Church, Linfen, on trial for fraud are Pastor Wang Xiaoguang and his wife, Yang Rongli. Pray for this faithful couple who are said to be in poor health after two years behind bars.
Number of Prayers 24
Pray for several leaders and members of Golden Lampstand Church in Linfen who are currently on trial for ‘fraud’. Their building was forcibly demolished in 2018.
Number of Prayers 30
Xuncheng Reformed Church and its leaders have long suffered persecution: Pastor An Yankui and Zhang Chenghao were detained for a year after attending a conference in Malaysia in 2020. Ask God to encourage them in their faithful ministry.
Number of Prayers 29
Officials raided a children’s summer camp run by the Xuncheng (Zion) Reformed Church. Four leaders were given 15-day ‘administrative detention’. Pray that the children, who witnessed the raid, will stand firm in their faith.
Number of Prayers 32
Pray for a dozen Christian families and their pastor who were driven out of Mai, a mainly Buddhist village in Luang Namtha province, following their conversion to Christianity.
Number of Prayers 28
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Children’s Prayer Sheet
It’s not only adults who can pray for our persecuted family. Every month we produce a prayer sheet aimed specifically for children. Each sheet has specific activities and prayers which will help children learn more about how persecution affects children in other countries.
You can visit our Children’s Prayer Sheet page here.