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2 Peter 3:10 (NIV)

The elements will be destroyed by fire.

When the word of God is diluted through interpretation, root word search, reasoning, and such, it loses its exact meaning, power, and potency. Theologians can peel off layer after layer of so-called misunderstandings until there's no Bible left. According to some, Jesus was no more than a manual laborer and never walked on water or performed any miracles (1 Corinthians 15:12-15). Our preaching has to be exact and literal to convey the real essence of the gospel. Sin such as homosexuality shouldn't be masqueraded as an alternate lifestyle. Orgies, debauchery, or adultery shouldn't be classified as pleasure-seeking or loneliness. Abortion shouldn't be classified as a personal choice. The second coming of the Lord shouldn't be preached as merely the end of sin but as the destruction of the universe and the creation of a new one. Our preaching should be exact and precise and should allow the Holy Spirit to strike the fear of God's wrath in the marrow of the sinner. Anything less will not bring another saint into God's kingdom.

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