Sep. 26, 2019 | India
[49] prayers in [5] nations have been posted for Radicals beat pastor.📷
On July 19, Pastor Mahesh was leading a prayer meeting in Tamil Nadu state, when three Hindu extremists entered the building and began to beat him with a metal rod. Read More.
Sep. 26, 2019 | Indonesia
[16] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Neighbors shut another church.📷
After Muslims in Sari Agung hamlet objected to a Pentecostal Church in Indonesia that was meeting in a neighborhood home, local officials agreed to close the church. Read More.
Sep. 26, 2019 | Turkey
[16] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Church finds home.📷
A church in Turkey that has been looking for a worship space for two and a half years has finally found one. Read More.
Heavenly Father, I lift up all these persecuted saints and our sister's ministry to you in prayer. In Jesus's blessed and holy Name, I pray, Amen.