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John 14:23 (NIV)

We will come to him and make our home with him.

Nothing plagues humanity like loneliness. People can be lonely in a marriage, in a family, or even in a crowd. A person can have all the friends in the world still feel empty. A husband may have regular intimacy with his wife and still think she isn't satisfying him enough. A boyfriend may feel peeved because his girlfriend hasn't returned his calls. People in unhappy marriages or relationships turn to prostitutes, drugs, alcohol, pornography, smoking, or even suicide to manage that loneliness. Even godly people feel lonely when their loved ones pass away. A lonely person is the emptiest, weakest, and most demoralized person.

The good news is we don't have to be lonely. Whether we're in a happy marriage or divorced, whether we have many friends or none, whether rich or poor, we can all dwell in the Presence of the living God through the indwelling Holy Spirit. We can't see the blessed Holy Spirit nor hear Him, but He's in us. That assurance relieves all loneliness and anxiety. The fact that God lives in us gives us a peace that passes all understanding.

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The only way to be invited to the heavenly feast is through the Lord Jesus Christ.


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