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Police summon Christians. Muslims attack Christian family. Martyr's widow upheld by other believers.

Officials Summon Christians to Hear Police Ultimatum

[10] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Houy Khoun Christians.

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In August 2023, district police officials summoned the Houy Khoun village chief and all local Christians to a meeting where they outlined steps that would be taken against Christians to halt the spread of their faith. Authorities threatened to demolish the pastor’s home (which also serves as a house church), enforced restrictions that do not allow new members to join the church, and warned them against evangelizing in the village or elsewhere in the district. The Christians boldly challenged the right of the police to close or damage the church. When told to stop worship services, they answered, “We can’t stop worship. It is our faith. We must worship our God.” Pray for the continued resolve and steadfast faith of these Christians and that their bold faith bears much fruit.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Laos and learn how to pray.

Muslims Attack after Family Converts

[9] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Khalida and family.

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Khalida, her two sons and a daughter placed their trust in Christ years ago after having dreams about him. When Muslim extremists in their community heard about their conversion, they attacked the family and tried to kill them. The family barely survived. The enraged Muslims then formed a mob that attacked and burned several churches that were helping Khalida’s family. Because of the persecution, she and her family fled to another nation where their faith has grown but they have experienced financial and health struggles. Khalida recently received initial approval for her family to emigrate as refugees to a third country, and she is praying to reach a safe and final destination.

Feb. 22, 2024 | Mexico

Martyr's Widow Perseveres with Help from Body of Christ

[9] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Feliciana.

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Feliciana’s husband pastored a church in a town in Oaxaca, Mexico, until he was killed in 2014 for his bold witness for Christ. After her husband’s murder, Feliciana struggled to provide for her family, and her two children became seriously ill. With VOM’s help, she has been able to continue the work of leading the church in her town, and her children are healthy and thriving. She hopes to start a small business this year to further support her family.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Mexico and learn how to pray.

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