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Release International Prayer Shields, Central Asia

Central Asia

A recent national census in Tajikistan asked people to reveal their religious beliefs, prompting concern that data might be used to target faith groups. Pray that the Tajik authorities will work to improve their religious rights record.

Central Asia

In September, Grace Presbyterian Church and Agape Pentecostal Church lost their court battle against confiscation of their buildings on the same site in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. Pray that both their appeals will succeed.

Central Asia

Pray for New Life Protestant Church which lost its appeal against officials’ plans to seize two of its buildings in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The properties are partly used to house and minister to those suffering from drug misuse.

Central Asia

Praise God for recent improvements in Uzbekistan. For the first time in many years, several evangelical churches were officially registered in 2020.

Central Asia

Pray for Christians throughout Central Asia who often suffer oppression, especially those with a Muslim background. Evangelism is prohibited and all churches must register with the authorities.

Central Asia

Pray for the Christian workers and their families whom Pavel and Release support in Central Asia as they work to build up local communities of Christians, by preaching and teaching, discipleship and pastoral care.

Central Asia

Pray that God will bless the work of our partner ‘Pavel’ as he supports Christian workers across Central Asia (see Voice magazine, pages 16-17). Ask God to use Pavel’s own experience of persecution, including imprisonment, to build others’ faith.

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