Prayers For Our Persecuted Family.
Sometimes it can be difficult to know what to pray for our persecuted family so we produce a daily prayer shield which gives a specific need that you can pray for each day. You can see today’s prayer, plus those for the last 6 days, below. You can also sign up using the form above to receive our Email Prayer Alert which we send out whenever we become aware of a specific and immediate situation which requires urgent prayer.
Children’s Prayer Sheet
It’s not only adults who can pray for our persecuted family. Every month we produce a prayer sheet aimed specifically for children. Each sheet has specific activities and prayers which will help children learn more about how persecution affects children in other countries. You can visit our Children’s Prayer Sheet page here.
It is often local officials in Indonesia who oppose new places of Christian worship. Pray that the Government will do more to uphold religious freedoms.
Current requirements for obtaining permission to build houses of worship in Indonesia are nearly impossible to attain for most small, new churches. Pray that churches’ applications will find favour in local administrations.
Pray for Simalungun Christian Protestant Church in Cigelam, Indonesia which officials forcibly shut recently due to pressure from local residents.
Praise God that the Gereja Kristen Indonesia (GKI) Yasmin Church in Bogor has opened its new church building – after 15 years of opposition from local officials. An application for the church was approved in 2006 – then obstructed by the authorities.
Pray that God will touch the hearts of militants and other Islamist hardliners determined to eradicate Christianity from Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.
‘Kila’ in Kalemago, Indonesia was traumatised after being held captive and threatened by MIT and witnessing local murders. Thank God for His healing power at work in Kila. ‘I know God still has a plan for my life,’ he says.
Pray for coffee farmer Maria in Indonesia whose husband Marten and brother Simson were killed by MIT militants in Kalemago, Central Sulawesi.