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Release International Prayer Shields, Indonesia, North Korea, Nigeria


Pray for Christians in Central Sulawesi whose highland village is very close to the base of East Indonesian Mujahideen (MIT) militants who have killed several local believers.

North Korea

Pyongyang, North Korea, is said to have had more than 2,000 churches in the early 1900s. Let’s pray that faith in God, not man, will come to define this hermit kingdom.

North Korea

On Release International’s Day of the Christian Martyr, ask God to strengthen believers in North Korea, among the most dangerous places in the world to be a Christian. Many are executed for their faith.

North Korea

As Bibles are banned in North Korea, Christians tend to have to memorise Scripture. Ask God through the power of His Spirit to help believers commit His word to memory and share it with others.

North Korea

Pray for Dylan Kim who continues the work of his father, Kim Jong-Wook, by ministering to North Korean defectors, through our partner VOM Korea. Kim Jong-Wook is serving a life sentence in North Korea for ‘spying’.

North Korea

Release associate ministry Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) USA estimates about 30,000 Christians are detained inside North Korea. Pray that the gospel will spread behind bars.


All-knowing God, we pray that You will sustain our concern for Nigeria and deepen our compassion for our Christian family there. Help us to remain faithful in prayer, calling out to You to bring change and renew hope. We pray with our Nigerian brothers and sisters that out of these ashes will rise a wave of an uncommon, unseen revival. Thank You that You hear all our prayers.

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