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Release International Prayer Shields, Iraq and Eritrea


Children’s Prayer Sheet

It’s not only adults who can pray for our persecuted family. Every month we produce a prayer sheet aimed specifically for children. Each sheet has specific activities and prayers which will help children learn more about how persecution affects children in other countries. You can visit our Children’s Prayer Sheet page here.


Christians in central and southern parts of Iraq, especially those with a Muslim background, are under constant threat of violence. Ask God to protect and sustain them.


Pray that the gospel message will continue to spread throughout Eritrea, so that many more will know God’s love and His truth.


The Eritrean Government continues to try to infiltrate underground churches and imprison their leaders. Ask God to thwart their efforts.


Pray for the family of Pastor Tesfay Seyoum who died of a brain tumour while serving a jail sentence. He had spent ten years behind bars in Eritrea. His family could not bury him in a cemetery in his home town because of his faith.


Pray that all those involved with Christian prisoners in Eritrea – including fellow inmates, guards and court staff – will be touched by their witness.


More than 500 Christians are believed to be behind bars in Eritrea: many have been detained arbitrarily for many years. Pray for their release.


Pray for the release of 103 young people arrested in Asmara, Eritrea, where they had gathered to record worship songs for YouTube. Their meeting was deemed illegal.

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