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Release International Prayer Shields, Nigeria and India

Prayers For Our Persecuted Family.

Sometimes it can be difficult to know what to pray for our persecuted family so we produce a daily prayer shield which gives a specific need that you can pray for each day. You can see today’s prayer, plus those for the last 6 days, below. You can also sign up using the form above to receive our Email Prayer Alert which we send out whenever we become aware of a specific and immediate situation which requires urgent prayer.

Children’s Prayer Sheet

It’s not only adults who can pray for our persecuted family. Every month we produce a prayer sheet aimed specifically for children. Each sheet has specific activities and prayers which will help children learn more about how persecution affects children in other countries. You can visit our Children’s Prayer Sheet page here.


Pray for God’s people in Nigeria – that they will place their trust in His steadfast love and not lose hope, amid the violence and intense persecution.


Pastor and taxi-driver Sukhdev Mark gave a gospel tract to a passenger in Haryana state, India. The same man booked the pastor’s cab a second time and lured him into an ambush where Pastor Sukhdev was stabbed. Pray for his complete healing.


Pray for Durgawati and her nephew Gulsan who were punished by their family and thrown out of their village in India for refusing to stop sharing their faith. They now live with a pastor in a nearby village.


India’s 30 to 70 million Christians make up only five per cent of the population. Pray that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains – and change societies.


Pray for justice in India for Madhab Gorai whose close relatives are suspected of his murder in West Bengal. Madhab’s wife and son had publicly threatened to kill him after he refused to reject Christ.


Pray for believers in Karnataka state which officially enacted anti-conversion laws in September. Such laws in other states in India have frequently been misused against religious minorities.


Pray that God will thwart the efforts of Hindu-nationalist informants, present in nearly every village in India, who report on the activities of believers.

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Prayer Shields, Bhutan and Burkina Faso

Bhutan Pray for a Release International partner as he oversees the only theological seminary in Bhutan. His focus is to offer discipleship and biblical training in order to see a new generation of Chr

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