Pray for the four children of Basharat Masih, a single parent in Pakistan who was murdered in April. His family suspect he was killed after the man who forcibly married Basharat’s 12-year-old daughter was brought to justice.
Police reportedly dismissed the recent violent attack on The Voice of Jesus Church in Khokhar as a ‘fight between kids’. The pastor says harassment is common. Pray that officials in Pakistan will take seriously their responsibility to defend religious rights.
Pray for the congregation of The Voice of Jesus Church in Khokhar, Pakistan: a 40-strong mob raided a service recently, firing guns. Thank God no one was hurt.
Many of the Christians presently in Iranian prisons are there because of their involvement in house churches. Pray that persecution will lead to growth in this church movement.
Christian leaders and pastors in Iran are often arrested, tortured and imprisoned, and their families harassed. Pray that this will not deter others from joining the ministry.
Pray for six Christian converts known to have been released in a recent prisoner amnesty in Iran. Pray that their ordeal will only strengthen their faith.
Thank God for the release of Christian convert Milad Goodarzi in a prisoner amnesty in Iran. He had been sentenced to five years in jail in 2021 for ‘engaging in propaganda against the Islamic regime’.