Prayers For Our Persecuted Family.
Sometimes it can be difficult to know what to pray for our persecuted family so we produce a daily prayer shield which gives a specific need that you can pray for each day. You can see today’s prayer, plus those for the last 6 days, below. You can also sign up using the form above to receive our Email Prayer Alert which we send out whenever we become aware of a specific and immediate situation which requires urgent prayer.
Children’s Prayer Sheet
It’s not only adults who can pray for our persecuted family. Every month we produce a prayer sheet aimed specifically for children. Each sheet has specific activities and prayers which will help children learn more about how persecution affects children in other countries. You can visit our Children’s Prayer Sheet page here.
Falida Nazziwa from Kiboga district was beaten and abandoned by her husband after she became a Christian. Ask God to provide for her and her children in Uganda.
Neighbours angry about his conversion to Christ flogged Musa Wabwire with sticks and destroyed his family home in Kaliro district, Uganda. Pray for Musa and his family who are now in hiding.
Pray for the family of Namata Habiiba, a 23-year-old poisoned to death in eastern Uganda after she became a Christian. A relative is suspected of her murder.
Pray for evangelists Andrew Dikusooka and Ronald Musasizi who survived a knife attack in Uganda. They had just led several people to Christ after debating Islamic scholars in Iganga district.
Pray for evangelists Robert Okia and Wilberforce Mutenga who were beaten and slashed with knives in eastern Uganda after leading eight people to Christ. They want to continue their outreach.
Pray for Christians among the many affected by recent devastating flooding in Pakistan, which claimed more than 1,700 lives. Believers are often treated as second-class citizens and sidelined in relief efforts.
An estimated 1,000 women from religious minorities, including Christians, are forcibly converted and married each year in Pakistan. Pray that the Government will commit to ending this abuse.