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Release International Prayer Shields, Uganda, Sudan, Nepal


Pray for Musa John Kasadah and his family in Luuka district, eastern Uganda. In July, Islamist extremists cut off his hand after the family became Christians.


Pray for Pawan and his wife, Srijana in Nepal: they were thrown out of his parents’ home in Bhaktapur district and left homeless after becoming Christians. His parents tried to take their newborn son from them.


Pray for reform of the anti-conversion laws in Nepal so that they respect religious freedom for all. Nepal’s constitution prohibits any attempt at religious conversion.


Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya of Pokhara, Nepal was given a one-year sentence in July for alleged conversion and ‘outraging religious feelings’. Pray his appeal will be successful.


Pray for ‘Iniya’, 21, who came to Christ six years ago and was rejected by her family in Nepal. She suffered intense emotional abuse before leaving home. Release International associate ministries have supported her schooling.


Many Nepali believers experience opposition from family members as well as from extremists of other faiths. Pray that Christians will find fellowship and good support networks.


Thank God that a judge dismissed a case against two Baptist leaders in Sudan who had been accused of ‘public nuisance’ for holding a Bible study in Khartoum.

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