In John 15:20 Jesus said: 'If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you', and here at Release International we receive news and stories of persecution, and even martyrdom of Christians, on a regular basis.
Right now, the atrocities against Christians in Nigeria are continuing (see page 10) and many families are grieving the loss of loved ones. In Burkina Faso over one million have been displaced and Christians are under constant attack from the jihadists (see page 6).
In Indonesia and India extremists are persecuting pastors and believers and even killing them (see pages 12-13). I believe this is the time God is calling us to pray:
For believers who have been forced to flee their homes.
For wisdom for pastors and ministry leaders who are caring for those traumatised by extremist attacks.
And for protection and provision for God's people in these troubled places.
AOften, Christian families who are experiencing persecution or have fled from conflict zones need emergency food and supplies, financial assistance to rebuild their lives, help with children's school fees and pastoral care.
Please forward this to Christian friends so that they can pray and act too.
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