Hindu nationalism and attacks with impunity
Since the current ruling party took power in 2014, incidents against Christians have increased, and Hindu radicals often attack Christians with little to no consequences. The view of the Hindu nationalists is that to be Indian is to be Hindu, so any other faith—including Christianity—is viewed as non-Indian. Also, converts to Christianity from Hindu backgrounds or tribal religions are often extremely persecuted by their family members and communities.
How Christians are suffering
Christians in India face horrific levels of violence from extremists—thousands of attacks take place every year. Several states in India have adopted anti-conversion laws, and the ruling Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has made it clear that it wants to impose these laws nationwide. Such laws are often used as an excuse to disrupt church services and harass Christians, and make it incredibly difficult for Christians to share their faith with others.
Converts to Christianity from a Hindu background are especially vulnerable to persecution and are constantly under pressure to return to Hinduism, especially through campaigns known as Ghar Wapsi (“home-coming”). They are often physically assaulted and sometimes killed.
On January 9, 2019, hardline Hindus tore down a church building in Narnepadu village, Muppalla Mandal, Guntur District, in the state of Andhra Pradesh, because it was built on the west side of a village, which they claimed violated Hindu principles of placement and positioning. (Source: Morning Star News)
On April 10, 2019, a Christian tribal man was attacked with swords, sickles and iron sticks in the Indian state of Jharkhand. He was killed by a crowd of Hindu radical “cow protectors” on suspicion of having slaughtered an ox, considered sacred by Hindus. Three other tribal Christians were injured in the attack. (Source: AsiaNews)
On October 2, 2019 a Christian birthday celebration was attacked by Hindu radicals in Vasalamarry village, located 40 miles outside of Hyderabad in India’s Telangana state. According to local reports, the mob of 30 radical nationalists stormed into the Christian home where guests had gathered for the birthday celebrations. The radicals vandalized decorations, terrified the guests and destroyed several household items owned by the Christian family. (Source: International Christian Concern)
Population and number of Christian statistics: Johnson T M and Zurlo G A, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, accessed April 2019).
Pray for India
Pray for provision and employment for Indian Christians. Christians tend to be in an unfavorable position, as they are often lacking in education and thus tend to find themselves in the lower strata of society.
Pray for God’s protection over Christians who boldly evangelize in the growing number of states with anti-conversion laws. Pray they will be wise in their evangelism efforts.
The work of Christian non-profits has suffered from the fact that it has been made very difficult to receive financial support from abroad. Pray for changes in rules and regulations.
Almost everyone in the country now has Internet access and as a result Christians and others have more access to Christian materials. However, Hindu hard-liners are attacking the Christian media, accusing them of evangelism. Pray people have freedom to access Christian materials online.
Stories from India July 16, 2020 ‘I am rejected in my own house’—Rupa’s determination to follow Jesus in India Rupa is an example of what can happen when Christians in India devote their lives to Jesus. Read More + READ MORE July 8, 2020 ‘Never give up faith in Jesus’: The last words of an Indian martyr + READ MORE July 1, 2020 ‘The risk is always there’: Rajesh on the cost of faith in India An Open Doors partner, Rajesh, explains the reality of persecution for believers in India, and how God is faithful. Read More + READ MORE