e ‘ghost disease’ – that’s what North Koreans call Covid-19.
“People can be sick without knowing it. They are usually malnourished already. Then suddenly they die quickly. Some even just fall dead on the ground,” says Brother Simon (name changed for security reasons), Open Doors’ coordinator for ministry among North Koreans, who works through a network in China. “It’s an invisible killer.”
Many marketplaces are closed. Even if open, there’s little food to buy. Prices have quadrupled. To compound matters, this year the country has also experienced heavy rainfall, mudslides and a heatwave.
Thanks to your support, Brother Simon’s team has food, medicines, winter clothes and other essentials ready for North Korean Christians who manage to escape. “But first God needs to open the door,” Brother Simon says. “Once people are able to come out of the country, we can give them the means to survive.”
Read more about the 'ghost disease' in North Korea
That God will open a door for Christians to come out of North Korea to access aid
For believers facing extreme persecution - that they will know God's strength and power.
CONVERTS AT SEVERE RISK IN KAZAKHSTAN There are 4.8 million Christians in Kazakhstan (which is number 35 on the World Watch List) – just over a quarter of the population of 18.6 million. The majority are Russian Orthodox Christians, who seldom interact with the Kazakh population so are less susceptible to persecution. However, the same can’t be said for Christians from Muslim backgrounds. They face huge pressure from families and communities if their new faith is discovered. Some converts are locked up by their families for long periods, beaten and may eventually be expelled from their communities. For this reason, many keep their faith secret. Religious freedom in the country is restricted by legislation dating back to 2011. No religious activities beyond state-run and state-controlled institutions are allowed – and members of Protestant churches are considered foreign enemies. Illegal, unregistered churches are often raided. What’s life like for Christians in Kazakhstan? A prayer for Kazakhstan Lord Jesus, thank You for drawing hearts to You in Kazakhstan. Protect each new convert, and provide them with fellowship to strengthen them in their new faith. Draw their family members to You, too. Grant wisdom and boldness to leaders as they seek to run churches under imposing restrictions. Amen. With many thanks for your prayers.