Country rank
Last year’s rank
27 912 000
17 032 000
Main Religion
45 Cameroon
In Cameroon, those who convert to Christianity from Islam are not free to express or share their faith, and doing so can bring hostility from family and the local community. They are at great risk if they are even discovered to own a Bible. Meanwhile, the influence of Islamic militants, particularly in the north, has hindered the activities of many churches. Security injunctions have also heavily restricted church life.
The ongoing Anglophone crisis – a civil war that’s been fought since 2017 – has made leaders who speak out against violence a target for separatist groups and the government. Some of the leaders of the rebel groups also force churches to pay taxes for their protection. While Cameroon is officially a secular country, there are predominantly Muslim areas where Islamic extremism continues to grow. Good governance is lacking in Cameroon, adding to the vulnerability faced by persecuted Christians.
Meanwhile, the government maintains its pressure on Christians, and it is not safe for Christian leaders to criticise the human rights conditions or corruption in Cameroon.
Meet a church pastor
“We have stopped church services, because Boko Haram terrorists make life impossible. If they come, they kill people. So, we decided to have church services somewhere else. Please pray for us. We want to be able to pray from our own church. Please also pray for the people who are fleeing this region.”
Church pastor in Cameroon.
Please pray
That the government and security forces in Cameroon will be stirred and equipped to address the country’s growing insecurity problems.
That the Holy Spirit will pour comfort and hope into those severely traumatised by attacks.
That church leaders and Open Doors local partners will be strengthened as they serve those affected by persecution.