Praise God for the growing number of Somali Kenyans who are turning to Christ – and particularly that God is bringing whole families to Himself.
Mary’s husband was murdered by terrorists last autumn in eastern Kenya. Praise God for the strong faith shown by Mary and that the Lord will continue to comfort her and provide for her two daughters.
Pray for Grace and her children, whose house was set ablaze by terrorists. Last year, Grace’s husband was martyred by militants. Thankfully she and her children were away at the time of the attack on their home.
Pray that God will protect the hearts and minds of the children in Tanzanian church families who have chosen to live in non-Christian areas. Pray especially that they will not feel isolated.
Pray that Christian families who are living in majority Muslim areas will receive good healthcare when they go to clinics. Sometimes they are refused treatment when it becomes clear they do not have an Islamic name.
Praise God for innovative tracts that have been created by a church leader in a potentially dangerous part of the country. Thank God for the pastor’s boldness in handing out these materials and that people are taking them and showing interest.
Pray for those who have accepted Jesus but are afraid of being separated from their community or even chased out of their village. They have been asking the pastor, ‘How will we live?’
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Children’s Prayer Sheet
It’s not only adults who can pray for our persecuted family. Every month we produce a prayer sheet aimed specifically for children. Each sheet has specific activities and prayers which will help children learn more about how persecution affects children in other countries.
You can visit our Children’s Prayer Sheet page here.