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Release International, Pakistan and China

Pray for our persecuted family

Sometimes it can be difficult to know what to pray for our persecuted family so we produce a daily prayer shield which gives a specific need that you can pray for each day. You can see today’s prayer, plus those for the last 6 days, below.


Praise God for a Release International partner sharing the love of God with Muslims. Give thanks that he was able recently to facilitate a new secret church building in the province of Sindh.

Number of Prayers 14


Violence towards the Christian minority is often fuelled by false allegations of blasphemy. Pray that believers throughout Pakistan would continue to stand for truth.

Number of Prayers 29


Pray for Christians in Jaranwala where a mob destroyed 23 churches and set fire to 80 houses last August. Many people are still recovering from the trauma and buildings still need extensive repairs.

Number of Prayers 29


Pray for ‘Farman’ and his family who are living in a safe house, having been forced to leave their home because of the threat of severe persecution.

Number of Prayers 30


Give thanks for the work of Release International’s partner, ChinaAid, led by Bob Fu. Pray that they will continue to speak boldly on behalf of Christians who are being silenced and oppressed by the Chinese Communist Party.

Number of Prayers 30


Continue to pray for Pastor Wang Yi of Early Rain Covenant Church who is now spending his sixth year in prison separated from his wife, Jiang Rong, and their son, Shuya.

Number of Prayers 32


Pray for Elder Zhu Longfei and four other Christians who were prosecuted last year on charges of ‘illegal business operations’ for printing devotional material for use in their church. Pray they will be released soon.

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