Pray for the 42 (out of 45) Protestant churches that have been closed by the Government and are waiting permission to re-open. Give thanks for the online tools which enable them to continue some level of ministry and fellowship while the buildings remain shut.
Number of Prayers 15
The autonomous region of Somaliland has seen a recent increase in the number of underground Christians being arrested. Pray for their safety and release from detention.
Number of Prayers 28
Bibles are illegal and extremely dangerous to own in Somalia. Most believers access digital versions on their phones or other devices. Pray that these items would remain secure.
Number of Prayers 29
Christians are more likely to be killed by al-Shabaab, the terrorist group, or family members than to be imprisoned by the Government. They are actively pursued and when discovered face death. Pray for courage to continue as believers under such extreme oppression.
Number of Prayers 27
There are no church buildings in Somalia, it is strictly illegal to convert or to evangelise and Christians must exercise extreme care when meeting in groups. Pray for God’s protection on them and that their gatherings will go unnoticed.
Number of Prayers 32
Pray for Somali believers who find themselves isolated from their families due to following Christ but are not able to join a church in their new homeland because of fear and suspicion from local Christians. This double rejection is causing a high depression rate among Somali believers.
Number of Prayers 26
16 March 2024 – Somalia
Pray for Somali believers who have been forced to leave their homes and are now residing in neighbouring countries. Many of them struggle to get the right documents to allow them fully to integrate and are forced into low-paid jobs even if they are highly skilled.