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Release International Prayer Shields, China and Eritrea


Uyghur Christian Alimujiang Yimiti continues to serve a 15-year sentence in Xinjiang, China for allegedly leaking state secrets. Pray for him, his wife Gulinuer and their two sons.


Continue to pray for Christians in areas of China facing intense repression, such as among the Uyghurs in Xinjiang province. Pray that their witness will lead many to turn to Christ.


Thank God for Pastor John Cao who, in a recent letter from prison in China, says he has not stopped praying for the health, peace and faith of others. Pray for John’s elderly mother who was recently barred from visiting him.


Officials who raided the Gushi church camp in China reportedly acted on a tip-off from residents – after the authorities offered rewards for reports of non-approved religious events. Pray for good relationships between churches and their neighbours.


Pray for a pastor and his wife in China who were temporarily detained following a raid on their church’s summer camp last year. Officials said the church in Gushi did not have permission to hold the event.


Pray for groups in China who face being persecuted for meeting to study God’s Word. Pray that the Bible will nourish them, and be like a sword to defend them (Ephesians 6:17).


Release partners estimate that there are 300 Christian prisoners of faith in Eritrea. Others estimate there could be many more. Thank God that He knows their names and holds them dear.

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