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Release International prayer shields, Myanmar



Pray that believers in Myanmar would have access to the word of God. Bibles can be legally purchased in small numbers but they are expensive and unavailable in many regions.


Pray for the ‘Kyaw’ family. After being rejected and persecuted because of their faith in Christ, our partners provided them with food support including goats to rear. The family are now thriving and their commitment to Christ and the church has been strengthened.


Give thanks for the ‘Thura’ family. Although they were rejected by their village and extended family they continue to follow Christ. Our partners helped this family to buy land, build a house, and provide for themselves. Pray that others will see the difference God has made in their lives.


Pray for the frontline workers Release International supports in Myanmar. We provide them with practical tools to assist their bold evangelism in remote areas where Christians face persecution.


Villagers with animistic beliefs take vengeance on Christians, claiming they are angering the local spirits. Within tribal groups, families oppose conversion, and new believers are subject to close government monitoring. Pray that all those who have come to faith in Christ will stand strong despite the pressure.


Buddhist monks have actively opposed new Christian converts and evangelists. Pastors face arrest and are usually detained for a few days at a time. Pray that church leaders would receive God-given wisdom on how to respond when they are questioned.


Pray for the complicated political situation in Myanmar. The widespread, long-running civil war directly affects Christians when they are targeted for attack by the warring factions. Pray for churches as they navigate political instability and uncertainty.

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Children’s Prayer Sheet

It’s not only adults who can pray for our persecuted family. Every month we produce a prayer sheet aimed specifically for children. Each sheet has specific activities and prayers which will help children learn more about how persecution affects children in other countries.

You can visit our Children’s Prayer Sheet page her

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