Pray for the 250 pastors from persecuted communities in Borno state, Nigeria whom Release International partner Hassan John has recently trained, with Release International funding.
Pray God’s protection and strength for Release international partner Hassan John as he travels widely to minister to church and community leaders (see Voice magazine, page 12).
Pray for peace in the run-up to the presidential election in Nigeria in February, which is likely to be played out on religious lines.
Please pray for the safe rescue of the many girls abducted from Chibok and other areas in Nigeria who are still in captivity.
Two Christian girls aged nine and 18 abducted from Chibok in 2014 were recently found by Nigerian military. Pray for restoration and healing for these girls, both of whom bore children in captivity.
Today is the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church (IDOP). Please join with local church friends to pray for all those suffering for Jesus’ sake today, in Nigeria and globally – and thank God for our religious freedom.
Pray for the family of Lyop Dalyop. She was shot dead by suspected Fulani militants as she cleaned the Church of Christ in Nations building in Bangai village, Plateau state, Nigeria in August.