Release International Prayer Shields, Nigeria, Viet Nam Today, 01:21 AM
Nigeria By August, an estimated 50,000 Christians in Nigeria had been displaced from more than 100 villages now occupied by armed Fulani militants in southern Kaduna. Ask God to protect and provide for them. Nigeria In Nigeria, nearly 40 Christians were killed in northern Kaduna state in August alone. They included father-of-nine Bulus Joseph who stood up to the attackers to allow his wife and children to escape. They too were attacked but survived. Nigeria Please ask God to provide for the many displaced Christians in Nigeria whose situation has been made even more precarious by the Covid-19 pandemic. Release and its associate ministries have provided food aid to these vulnerable communities. Vietnam Pray that every family who receives a Bible through Christian workers in Vietnam will be touched by the love of God. Vietnam Pray for those who work under the radar in Vietnam to distribute Bibles. Pray they will find ever-more creative ways to spread God’s word in restricted areas. Vietnam Ask God to protect ‘Bao’ and ‘Chi’ who have spent 20 years sharing the gospel among tribal groups in the central region of Vietnam, despite repeated arrest and harassment. Vietnam Pray for believers in Vietnamese villages who find themselves in a tiny minority and who are often harassed, ostracised or even attacked because of their faith.