Please pray for the release of two Christian women and a six-year-old boy, Isaiah Okunu, abducted from Nasarawa town in Nigeria last year. Their kidnappers killed Isaiah’s father.
Of the 276 girls that Boko Haram kidnapped from a school in Chibok, Nigeria in April 2014, 112 are believed still to be in captivity. Pray for their release.
Takulashi, a mainly Christian village near Chibok, Borno state, was attacked by Boko Haram militants in November. They killed 12 Christians, including a pastor, and kidnapped three women and four children. Pray for restoration and healing for this community in Nigeria.
Pastor Polycarp Zongo from Jos in Plateau state, Nigeria, was abducted by Islamist militants in October. Contrary to reports of his release, including in the last Prayer Shield, it is believed Polycarp is still being held captive. Pray for his release.
Pray for ‘Saratu’ whose husband was murdered in Nigeria by Boko Haram extremists and her home destroyed. She managed to escape to safety with her terrified children, and is receiving support from our partner Stefanos Foundation.
Please pray that government leaders in Kenya will take a firm stance against the Islamist extremism which has taken root in parts of north and east Kenya.
Church members in Otamba in Kenya were reportedly afraid to attend open-air services held after the attacks in January. Pray that God will strengthen believers so they can enjoy fellowship again.
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