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Release International Prayer Shields, Sudan and Pakistan



Stand with Christians in Sudan in praying that recent political upheaval, which led to President al-Bashir being ousted, will lead to true democracy and real religious freedoms.



Pray for Stephen, a Christian suffering from ‘mental impairment’, who has been arrested under suspicion of ‘blasphemy’ in Pakistan after a row at home with a relative over fasting and prayer. A neighbor overhead and summoned a mob.



Ask God to convict all those in Pakistan whose hearts are filled with hatred towards Christians to repent of their actions and turn to Christ.



Pray that Pakistan’s Christians will stand firm in their faith. At Easter they were concerned by warnings of a possible suicide bombing in Lahore, linked to Islamic State: praise God it did not materialise.



Pray for the more than 200 Christians in Pakistan who are behind bars for ‘blasphemy’. Pray that their cases will now be reviewed.



Pray that the influence of hardliners in Pakistan will begin to subside: the Tehreek-e-Labbaik party is demanding the death penalty for blasphemers.



Please continue to pray that Pakistan will repeal its blasphemy laws, even though Prime Minister Imran Khan has pledged to defend them.

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