Habakkuk 1:3 (NIV)
Why do you tolerate wrongdoing?
The first thing this scripture makes us believe is why does God tolerate all the murders, crimes and such in society. But we have to ask ourselves what is a bigger crime? Is it to harm someone or deny them love? Which is a bigger crime, to hurt someone or to not love them? To be sure, all crimes or sins that harm another person or offend God are sins. However, the greatest sin of them all is to not have the love of God in one's heart. If egregious sins and crimes are the only things that the Almighty would consider for judgment, the Pharisees would be the holiest of them all! However, even Rahab the prostitute is revered and more highly regarded in the kingdom of God than the Pharisees who are eternally damned. It then follows that as much as personal holiness is essential in the body of Christ, one can only achieve that perfection by loving and not by merely cutting oneself from sin outwardly while the heart is still lusting inwardly. If we truly loved the Lord or fellow humans, we would never do anything to hurt them.