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Release International Prayer Shields, India and Iran


Pray for Pastor ‘Harsh’ and other pastors we partner with whose fellowships are now growing so much that they need larger places to meet, and yet are forbidden from opening or registering official new churches.

Number of Prayers 16


Pray that the Supreme Court of India will strike down various state-level ‘anti-conversion laws’ which are unconstitutional, vaguely worded and have been deliberately designed to target Christians, even essentially banning two people praying or worshipping together in their homes.

Number of Prayers 28


Pray for pastors ‘Joshua’ and ‘Rajendra’ who have both been attacked by fanatical Hindu mobs and still carry injuries. Pray for their complete healing, for protection over their families and that God would convict those who attacked them.

Number of Prayers 33


Pray for all those pastors in Uttar Pradesh and other northern states such as ‘Anish’ and ‘Mohan’ who have been arrested or imprisoned. Ask God to grant them strength and courage, and pray that those persecuting them would repent and turn to Christ.

Number of Prayers 34


Pray for those who have been displaced by violence in Manipur since May 2023 and that the members of the more than 550 churches which were destroyed can still find ways to worship and fellowship together. Ask God to heal their continuing trauma.

Number of Prayers 33


Pray for India’s national elections throughout April and May. Please pray for peaceful voting, free of fear, an honest and accurate count and the election of leaders who will govern fairly for all Indians, including Christians and other minorities.

Number of Prayers 34


Pray for Iranian Christians who have left their homeland in order to flee persecution. May God sustain them, and may their faith be salt and light to all those around them wherever they now live.

Number of Prayers 35

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Children’s Prayer Sheet

It’s not only adults who can pray for our persecuted family. Every month we produce a prayer sheet aimed specifically for children. Each sheet has specific activities and prayers which will help children learn more about how persecution affects children in other countries.

You can visit our Children’s Prayer Sheet page here.

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