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Release International Prayer Shields, Iraq


Pray for peace in Iraq, which is buffeted by political storms in Iran and other neighbouring Middle Eastern states. Pray for wisdom for its national leaders and for the regional authorities in Kurdistan and for peaceful progress on settling Kurdistan’s political future.


Pray for all the displaced people and refugees living in camps across Kurdistan. Ask that God would grant wisdom, courage and compassion to the authorities who are seeking long-term solutions and considering whether to close some of the camps.


Pray for the vocational training activities provided by our partner in Kurdistan. May they provide new hope as well as new skills and opportunities for those who are learning together.


Pray for the widows, children and other vulnerable people who rely on food parcels from our partner in Kurdistan. May these packages be of spiritual encouragement to them as well as meeting their physical needs.


Pray for the safe houses operated by our partner which provide sanctuary to those who have fled persecution or abuse. Pray for comfort, protection and a lasting peace for those who find refuge there.


Pray for the Hope for all Nations church run by our partner in Kurdistan which recently received its official licence. Pray God’s blessing on its ministry to Christians who have fled persecution elsewhere and to new Muslim-background believers.


Pray for Rev Canon Faez Jirjees of St George’s Church, Baghdad. Thank God for his steadfast ministry and leadership and pray for continued strength, wisdom and peace for him and his family and God’s blessing upon all those to whom he ministers.

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Children’s Prayer Sheet

It’s not only adults who can pray for our persecuted family. Every month we produce a prayer sheet aimed specifically for children. Each sheet has specific activities and prayers which will help children learn more about how persecution affects children in other countries.

You can visit our Children’s Prayer Sheet page here.

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